Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's a Beautiful day on St. Simons Island

We did something today that we haven't done since Thing 1was a baby -- we went to the beach as a family.  Don't boo and hiss yet.  We've taken them to water parks -- Neptune Water Park -- and other such stuff and I've taken them with Aunt Holly too.  Berry isn't a big fan of the beach, but since we didn't get to go on Spring Break we decided to surprise them with the trip today.

They had a BLAST!  Jumping in the waves, Thing 1 trying to swim with the waves, and Thing 2 just running back and forth into the water.  Poor seagulls were probably wondering what in the world was wrong with those two and WHY were these two kids chasing THEM.

As usual Things 1 and 2 don't meet any strangers, they ended up playing with a small group of kids. One of the older ones was great at finding hermit crabs that Thing 1 thought was FABULOUS!  He wants one-- oh boy!  I guess I will keep that in mind when we go back.  I hope this is the first of many trips to SSI this summer. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lost tooth and baton competition

We are entering some new eras in the lives of Things 1 and 2.  Thing 1 lost his first tooth at the grand old age of 8 and couple of weeks ago.  The tooth fairy left him $5.  The next night said tooth fairy had to retrieve a note from Thing 1.

Thing 2 has been taking dance since she was 3 and started baton this year.  Her baton instructor asked if she could come to a baton practice this past Friday after school.  It looks like she and several other little girls will be competing as a group in May.  She LOVES dance and as long as she loves it we will continue it.  To a baton clinic sponsored by the UGA majorettes,etc. she goes tomorrow -- I hope she has a WONDERFUL time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's always a teacher's kid.....

Thing1 spent today in ISS because of an incident last Wednesday.  I don't know what it's been about the past two Wednesdays that he gets in trouble at school.  I'm praying tomorrow goes by without incident.  Anyway,  last Wednesday I receive an email from Dr. P that says

"Heath called out Son of a Bitch in PE while we were having Football Signing Do you want me to give him two licks or ISS Tuesday"   -- just wonderful --- now I'm at MPMS and it's almost the end of the school day so I can do nothing but get to a phone to find out the whole rotten story.

I call Dr. P and he gives me the play by play.  Thing 1 wants a paddling.... oh yeah.. like he's going to get that today.... I tell Dr. P -- nope, give him the ISS and tell him that his dad will be taking care of him this afternoon. With my final word of advice from Dr. P being "this all normal"  yeah right.

Any hoo -- email Berry to let him know that our son has let fly a very colorful phrase  and that Thing 1's butt is his afterschool and I wil be bringing home a bar of soap with Heath's name on it.  Yep,  the good ol' soap in the mouth a la "A Christmas Story"  which Thing 1 just discovered this past Christmas. Well,  Thing 1 has all afternoon to think about it because I'm waiting on Thing 2 to get finished with dance.

Home again home again ... I get the soap unwrapped.. Thing 1 is looking at me with this "I can't believe you are actually going to do this" and Berry is ready to erupt into fits of laughter.  Thing 2 is just staring in disbelief and probably thinking "I'm just going to be real quiet and not cause any trouble for once." 
A couple of minutes later, it's all over with Thing 1 spitting into the bathroom sink trying to get the soap taste out of his mouth.

All I can say is .. you know what they say about teacher's kids.......

Monday, February 21, 2011

Forgery at 8.... -- February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10 started out as any other day.  Got Things 1 and 2 dressed and out the door with Berry to be dropped off at Sweetie and Papa's.  Sweetie and Papa drop them off at Screven Elementary.    I headed out to Martha Puckett to start my day and go to the Wayne Co. Spelling Bee.  I went to the Bee, ate lunch, and then headed back to the school. I went in my classroom, checked my email, and that my friend is where the day went down hill.  On my email was a message from Coach B. , PE teacher/coach at SES asking if I had seen and signed the note that was sent yesterday afternoon.... ummm.. what note??? In between emails, I received another email from Nurse S. with a scanned attachment of said note that this Mom didn't see.  Opened the attachment..... yep... there's the note....but..... those initials weren't mine or Berry's.  Upset? Oh yeah.  Mad? not mad..LIVID.  Got things squared away for my students and headed to SES. 
At SES --- walked into the office.  The Principal at SES is fantastic and just simply asks why am I there.  Why am I here?  My child.. at which I get a chuckle because Dr. P is on good terms with Thing 1.  I borrow the paddle and office so Dr. P can call Thing 1 to the office.  Keep in mind -- Thing 1 has no idea I was on my way.  I could hear the flop flop flop of those Flintstone feet of his and hear "Is my Mama here?" all excited and stuff -- until---
he saw my face which immediately crumpled.  The convo. went something like this:
Me:  did you forget to give me something yesterday?
T1:  yes ma'am
Me: why?
T1: I forgot
Me: so you decided to sign it yourself?
T1:  head bobbing at this point -- are you going to paddle me?
Me: yes
T1: am I going back to class after you paddle me?
Me: yes and your DS, Wii, and laptop is  mine for two weeks
T1: tears and a contrite Yes ma'am
Thing 1 was paddled then loved on because that's what we do
Sweetie, Aunt Holly, and most everyone else has gotten a HUGE kick out of this.  By the way, I now have the note and the initials were written in green marker -- go figure
It's an adventure!  Stay tuned for more.

A little background info.

Welcome to the new blog all about my kids that we call Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Yes, that's right like from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat.  Why Thing 1 and Thing 2....well.....  because they can get into as much mischief.  A little background on them -- Heath, Thing 1, just turned 8 and was our first little miracle.  I got pregnant in October 2000 but then found out it was an ectopic pregnancy.  I ended up having my right tube removed on December 21, 2000 -- fast forward to June 2002 and I find out I'm pregnant again.  Scared spitless but pregnant -- oh happy day!!!!  Heath arrived on February 7, 2003.  Berry and I knew that we wanted more than one child so when Heath was 16 months old -- we found out that Abby, Thing 2, was on the way.  Abby officially joined the family on February 17, 2005 and just turned 6.  Two years and ten days apart -- was I ready to tear my hair out???  On some days, Yes! on others, not so much.  It has been an adventure, and one that has gotten really interesting since they are both in school now.  Enjoy!